Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Bigger The Hair

A very short while ago I had the pleasure of shooting with the very lovely Steve Prue for both Zivity and


Bigger The Hair


Nearly destroyed my hair I was so happy to be shooting. Actually lost a few extensions showering this out. Hahaha! Totally worth it!

For those who don't know, Steve has been at the top of my photographer wishlist since I started modeling. And the two of us have been trying to shoot for a while, but something always got in our bloody way! 

Well now you can see our first set: Bigger The Hair... published on zivity. It's a shower set and you all know how much I LOVE showing off in the shower

Working with Steve was an awesome time and a very comfortable experience. You will for sure be able to see that in the set, but most definitely in the vote incentives we have available ;)

I tapped into my wild side and showed the camera a little more than my zivity fans are used to seeing :P So for those who have votes, this is a great day to use them! And those who are not yet on the site, let me know because I have free trial invites for you. (Send me your email and get your free invite)

10 votes - Receive the full high-res published set
20 votes - Full published set and 4 WAY TOO HOT FOR ZIVITY bonus images
25 votes - Full published set and 11 WAY TOO HOT FOR ZIVITY bonus images

CHECK OUT "BIGGER THE HAIR..." AT THIS LINK and be prepared because we have more in store for you ;) - I'll be unleashing my inner rock demon in our next set

Thanks so much to everyone supporting my naked adventures!


Wednesday, 19 September 2012


I am on the bus, homebound from Montreal.

My very good friend Philip Faith was my host while I was there and I'm already missing him. We spent 4 days shooting some amazing pictures. I'm so excited about the art we created and I can't wait to see and share the results.

We did a lot of great stuff. One of the shoots in particular that we did I think was the best I have ever shot and feel it will remain that way for some time.

There was a lot of inspiring energy. Philip and I were both majorly on a great track.

I'm not going to get too deep into details of my trip because I don't want to spoil any surprises. But I know everyone, especially myself will be very pleased with the results.


So, because I'm on the bus; I'm writing this blog on my phone. It's my first time using blogger on my phone so I don't understand it completely yet.

I attached an image of myself and am unsure as to where in the blog it will appear :P
But, basically it's just me right now laying back trying to relax

Can't wait to be home. I miss my roomie Elara, and I miss my baby kitty Lucifer. I can't wait to walk in the door and unpack my bag. Take off this dreadful bra and take a look at my schedule. lol

So, that's all for now


Monday, 10 September 2012



Ego Assassin Vera Baby Latex Zivity
Latex In a Freight Elevator

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

FanExpo 2012

Hey Guys!!

^ That right there is my "current right now face" ^

Friday the 24th and Sunday the 26th I spent my Days enjoying Toronto's FanExpo! I only wish I had gone for the entire weekend rather than just two days.

I was invited by a group of women I can so proudly tell you I am a part of. If you guys haven't checked out the site yet, I direct you to G33KPRON   > CLICKY CLICKY <

I got to spend my time hanging out at the g33kpron booth, exploring the expo, and emptying my wallet! I wish I could do it all over again, just... with your wallet instead maybe?! lol

I have so much to share!

My buddy for the weekend was Gaunted and when we arrived Friday. We started exploring instantly. The first thing I purchased was this KICK ASS mouse-pad that I saw last year and never grabbed. 
HOW FUCKIN COOL?? RIGHT??? I don't know why on earth I didn't buy her last year... Anyways, I'm stoked that I have her now!

Dirty girl with her messy ice cream <3 I love her, she's mine!

I'm sure you can tell, but I feel the need to clarify... 3D BOOBIES! ok? 3........D.....

The highlight of my entire weekend was Friday. Had a moment of tears... yea... actual crying! So embarrassing! I have a hard time explaining what happened to me, or even understanding it... but basically I had it in my mind that J. Scott Campbell was going to be there which was an AWESOME thought. Bumped into a booth selling a lot of his work and got to chatting with the people there. Gaunted had mentioned to them that J. Scott was going to be there, and they told us he wasn't.


From that, I had told myself I wouldn't be seeing him and kinda moved on from the idea.
Then, we went to Artists Alley and we were talking about him when I saw this sign:

Followed my eyes from the sign to his smiling face and my heart started pounding; I was completely freaking out. HAHAHA! Omg I'm such a NERD! I've never experienced fanning out before so I completely caught myself off guard and didn't know what was happening. Before I knew it I was crying and didn't know what to do with myself so I ran away.

Yea, I ran away

I was trying to make myself calm down and all these people were staring at me, it was horrible. Then Gaunted came up to me all "Why did you go?  -  What's wrong with you?    -   Are you crying?" hahahaha! "He's about to leave for break so pull yourself together and come say hi"

Couldn't figure out for the life of me WHY THE TEARS, but they were there and I did my best to get rid of them before marching up to him with as much confidence as I could possibly find to say hi.

Turns out it wasn't very much confidence because what happened for the next two minutes is kind of a blur. I started shaking and crying again when I was shaking his hand. Oh Man! 

I was so lucky though, he was incredibly sweet and didn't make it anymore awkward than I already had. Actually, he was pleasantly chatty so I calmed down and was able to have a conversation with him. He was flattered, so that's good! I had some people in the line thanking me for getting him talking about stuff. He gave me some great advice and showed me some things, a moment I'll keep with me forever :P

Really inspiring, made me mad at myself when I got home for not drawing more

Cuz, Y'know anything you post on the internet is top secret right? lol


I did not dress up on Friday and I wished that I had. I always do this thing where I imagine this great cosplay I wanna do the next year... and then FanExpo comes and I have nothing. So... I show up in some sort of nerdy t-shirt and batman shoes

Worst picture of me EVER, but still awesome!

I think I was mad at myself mostly because of how fuckin AWESOME these g33kpron babes looked:

the nerdy stripper j3ss ops
Steampunk Catwoman J3SS and Skaii Walker (The Nerdy Stripper) as Molotov Cocktease

JEALOUSY!!! *shakes fist*

I've got some pretty great plans for next year though, and I'm actually going to follow through with them!!

It's not like I didn't dress up at all though. I had decided on the Friday that I can't go Sunday without SOMETHING fun on, so I pulled out the clown costume.


A shot from Gaunted of me posing for some pics at the G33KPRON booth

View these pictures and more from the expo on Gaunted's Facebook

 Then went for some more exploring and checked out some other GREAT cosplay

 Some tv program was filming this... I don't know who so if you guys see it let me know please

This girl looked SO great!
^ Model: Poisonne ^
She's always a cute Harley
I loved this guy! Spotted him again later after this pic too... Should have taken another. Looked fracken awesome!

I must have been asked 3 times "Are you rainbow bright?" ... I don't even know what that is ... lol, I could hear people walking past saying "Look, rainbow bright!" and all these adorable kids wanted pics with me.

I just googled it now, I guess it kinda maybe makes a bit of sense... But seriously guys... I was just casual ;)


Here's one of my favorite pictures of me and my husband:

Aren't we sweet?

There was also a great Frankenweenie display. I'm such a crazy Burton fan since I was a kid. The only thing that could have made this weekend better was if Tim Burton was there. That woulda been so cool!

So here's a look at the set. This is the actual set from the movie!


So those are some of my favorite images from exploring times.


Back to J.Scott :D

Followed him on twitter Friday night and discovered that Sunday at 11 he was doing an art duel against Frank Quietly. AWEEEESOME! Yea, I went to that and got most of it on video. I can't wait to watch it! Was a funny and informative time.

They were doing 10 minute sketches. Favorite was def the Harley

Here's a look at both:

J. Scott Campbell
Frank Quietly
Both great artists, but I can't help saying: no one holds a candle to Mistah J. 

and... that's all I'm writing. 

This blog is late I know. Sorry guys. Things have been crazy!

Did a lot of shooting recently and planned some future shoots so you'll be hearing about that later

here is my FanExpo video:

Not what I had hoped it would be but I did my best with what I had
