Oh man, things are so crazy. I've been working my butt off to get top 100 on #mfc and it's very exciting. I've never tried before so I have all kinds of butterflies and excitement.
I've met so many new people so far this month, I feel like MFC is all I think about. It's my crack! AHHH <3
February has also been the month of wigs it seems :P
Worn 3 new looks seen here:
I love playing dress up, it's very inspiring.
If anyone has any screen caps from the epicness that has gone down in my chatroom this month, please send them to me. I'm seriously regretting not taking screen caps.
I do have one... but it's only a small piece of the epicness... from a crazy yellow wall that went down.. here:
I'm so mad MFC wouldn't let me scroll up and cap the entire thing. I would have loved to keep that in my good memories folder <3
Anyways, that's what has been up this month. MFC MADNESS <3 I'm loving every second of it... speaking of which, I gotta sign online soon :P