I just signed offline, had a great night with my webcam and my friends. Dressed up as Pikachu.

I'm not going to be online again for a while with my trip to NYC coming so soon.
I can't wait but I will miss my webcam community! Maybe I will sign online during the drive, borrow internet from my phone
Last time I was in New York it was a great time.
I'll be visiting with Christian Saint again. We have a project to do, can't give you info on it though. I think anytime I ever do a shoot with Christian you guys wont know what's going on until you see it. Surprises are fun
Almost got all my costumes prepped and ready to go for the con. I'll be finishing that up Sunday and Monday
I hope that's enough time because we leave Tuesday night.
Toronto Fan Expo was so much fun, only problem was I didn't get a lot of sleep. Maybe 2 hours each night. I have a feeling it's going to be the same for this con. It will be worth it though!
This will be my second time ever working at a convention! It's really exciting to welcome new opportunities into my life, I have butterflies
Anyways, I'm going to head to bed now
Thanks for reading